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LEO Advisor, Tactics, and Marksmanship Instructor

Meet Taj

He served for 4 years on active duty in the United States Marine Corps and deployed twice, once to Afghanistan. After serving in the Marine corps he joined the National Guard and currently teaches Infantry Skills for the state of New Jersey. After his active duty career, he began his Law Enforcement Career in 2016 with the New Jersey Department of Corrections. Shortly After, he was hired by the Monroe Township Police Department in 2017, where he is still currently working as a Detective assigned to the special investigation’s unit. In 2020, he successfully passed the selection process for his department’s tactical entry team. In 2022, he successfully passed the selection process for his county’s regional swat team, where he is currently still operating.

LEO Certifications

Field Training Officer

Advanced Rifle Operator Course

Tactical Response to Suicide Bombing Incidents

Interview and Interrogation for Law Enforcement

Basic Swat Course

High Threat CQB-SWAT

Hostage Rescue 1

Methods of Instruction

Firearms Instructor Course

Police Service Rifle Instructor

Basic Tactical Medical Instructor

Physical Fitness Instructor Course

T.E.A.M.S. Basic Sniper

T.E.A.M.S. Advance Sniper

The Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing & Advance Interrogation

Narcotics enforcement and trafficking investigations

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